Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker

The Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker document allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event that you are unable to do so.

If you are unable to make medical decisions, your medical practitioner will need to obtain the consent of your Medical Decision Maker prior to providing any medical treatment to you.

It is important that you appoint the appropriate person to make such medical decisions on your behalf if you are no longer able to.

To provide your Medical Decision Maker with guidance, you may give consideration to putting in place an Advance Care Directive which lists your preferences for medical treatments, specifically listing those treatments that you consent to and those that you do not consent to. If you have strong wishes in respect to resuscitation or life support you can stipulate them in your Advance Care Directive.

If you have an Advance Care Directive in place the medical practitioner who treats you will follow this in respect to your wishes and ensure that the treatment provided to you is in accordance with your wishes provided in your Advance Care Directive.

By putting in place an Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker and Advance Care Directive they will provide you with peace of mind that if you are no longer able to make your own medical decisions, the person who you would want to make medical decisions for you is the person who would actually make medical decisions for you in accordance with your wishes and instructions.

If you would like further information about putting these documents in place, please contact our office.

Disclaimer: The advice provided in this blog is of a general nature only and you should always seek legal advice relevant to your own circumstances.


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